Monday, April 27, 2009


I love it when people come visit us here in VA. I love entertaining and cooking for people. The week before Easter, John's brother, Dan, was able to visit us on his way to PA. I made him meatloaf muffins and garlic fries. (sorry no pics). After dinner the guys decided to have a fire in our fire pit in the back yard. I snapped a couple pictures of the guys hanging out.
John and Dan...

Richie, Jeff, John, and Dan....

This weekend we had a couple of last minute guests, Tyler and Sam. Tyler is Rachel's brother and Sam is his friend from the marines. They came up to visit from Camp Lejeune, NC. I love it when he comes. He is a perfect gentleman and will make a great husband to a lucky lady one day. He also loves my cooking so they raid the refrigerator every time, and I had plenty of leftovers ready for them luckily!!!

This is a picture from the lake. Sam and Tyler...
(More pictures from the lake to come!)

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