Monday, March 23, 2009

Visit from the MIL....

MIL=Mother In Law. We are having so much fun. Ginette arrived in VA on Friday. We kicked off the fun weekend with a game of Catch Phrase! We played until 1 AM. Rachel, Ginette and I played against John and Jeff. On Saturday Ginette, Rachel and I went shopping for window treatments for my house. Ginette is very talented when it come to explaining God's word and making curtains! On Sunday we went to church and then out to lunch at Ruby's to use some coupons we saved up. After finding more curtain fabrics and rods, we headed to our cluster group meeting for the Fireproof study we are doing with our church. I truly enjoy getting to learn from Ginette. She commands a room like no other with her knowledge and spirit. (I'm not just saying all this because she is going to read this, but because I love her and want her to know we appreciate her so much.) I look forward to learning more from her, as always, and playing more Catch Phrase this week!
Here we are making eggs at the fire hall after the Fireproof cluster meeting. We put Ginette to work!

Stay tuned for more on the curtains! Yes they are on my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days! Check out my list to see what all I have been up to.

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