Monday, March 16, 2009

#5 Get Braces!!!

I did it. I don't have any pictures to show, as it isn't the most attractive thing to see. I am sure that there will eventually be pictures, but I'm not exactly stepping up for that photo shoot yet. It has been a very trying experience. I have braces on top and a bite plain on bottom. My upper cuspids are (were) stuck behind my lower cuspids when I bite down. The bite plain will allow my upper and lower teeth to separate for a few weeks while the upper cuspids move forward. I got them put on 1 week ago today. I can tell a TREMENDOUS difference in the position of my upper teeth. I had the tiniest of gaps between my two front teeth, and that is gone. The cuspids are moving too! It is amazing how it works.

The challenges are, that the bite plain has to be in most of the time. For the first 3 days, I only took it out to brush. I ate soup and mashed potatoes and green beans for most of my meals. It is impossible to chew with it in. I have gradually gotten to the point where I can take it out to talk on the phone at work, eat meals, and even leave it out for comfort reasons, for a little while. Wish me luck with this. My upper cuspids could crossover as soon as 2 weeks from now!!!

I have a lot more to post about later today! Happy Monday!

1 comment:

rambelium said...

YAY! I'm so proud of you! I know how much this means to you! How long did the doc say you would need to keep them on?