Thursday, March 19, 2009

Catching up on the blog!

I need to catch up on everything that has been going on. A few weeks ago we had a pretty big snow. We got about 10 inches at our house. It melted with in a day or two. These pictures were taken the day before we got the 10 inches.

John and I went 4-wheeling in the snow.

Last Saturday morning I volunteered with the SPCA at an adopt-a-thon. This is the dog that I helped transport. He was a strong dog. He was definitely not leash trained either. It was fun to help.

Last Saturday night John and Jeff played in an all day softball tournament. I got to play with my camera and snap some shots in the dark. It took a while to figure out the settings. Here are some shots I took.

There were two little girls there playing. The one in the light blue asked if I would take their picture. I told them to strike a pose! The little girl on the right is so adorable. 2 seconds after I said strike a pose that is what she did. A little over the shoulder glance. So natural and cute!

Play's on second......
Our friend Chance was there playing with another team. He ran out on the field and took this picture for me. That's my John at bat!
I obviously wasn't trying to focus on the fence. That is John way out there.

I snapped a fun shot of Chelsea hanging out in the entertainment center.

I'll be back with more fun news and updates later in the week!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I was just thinking about you the other day and wondered what you've been up to! It looks like you got a pretty good snow! We got a couple of inches. Not much, but enough to get me out of school for a day!