Friday, December 5, 2008

101 things to do in 1001 days!

things that are done will be in blue
things that are in the process of being done will be in red
things that are still on the list will be in black

  1. Start a blog
  2. Volunteer at a soup kitchen/rescue mission
  3. Watch the entire collection of the Office
  4. Sell my prom dresses by end of 2009 or donate them
  5. Get braces
  6. Join a church in Virginia
  7. Pick up the trash on the main road next to our neighbors house (been there for a year)
  8. Go work out in the morning before work to see if I like it more
  9. Pay off 4 bills/credit cards (2/4)
  10. Volunteer at an animal shelter/rescue at least 6 times (3/6)
  11. Get a Raise
  12. Get my dream camera
  13. Save all my pictures on my computer to discs and put them in a safe
  14. Start taking vitamins
  15. Learn to sew on a button
  16. Pick out my outfits for the entire week on Sunday 6 times (0/6)
  17. Don’t watch T.V. for a whole week
  18. Drink only tap water for 2 weeks (instead of bottled water)
  19. Buy a new reusable water bottle- it was a gift, that counts!
  20. Take a photography class
  21. Take a fun picture every week and post it in my blog (I average a picture a week no problem)
  22. Memorize the books of the Bible
  23. Memorize all of the U.S. Presidents
  24. Get to a healthier weight and feel better about myself
  25. Get a new vehicle
  26. Play all the board games we have, at least once
  27. Go horseback riding
  28. Take Rachel & Jeff to Mill Mountain Zoo
  29. Go to a drive-in movie
  30. Go to a local symphony
  31. Go to the new museum
  32. Together, read the book our friends got us
  33. Go rock climbing with John
  34. Build, with John, a model of some sort- a plane, car, boat, etc.
  35. Shoot with john 6 times (1/6)
  36. Help John build me a light box! (updated 7-14-09)
  37. Surprise John with fun hobby related gifts 4 times (1/4)
  38. Plan out TTC plans with John (later in the 1001 days)
  39. Go to antique stores with John to find some fun treasures (0/3)
  40. Once a month go to the mall and sit at the bookstore together and read quietly (6/32)
  41. One weekend date day per month (6/32)
  42. Read all of Nicholas Sparks' novels (8/13)
  43. Hang cabinet in master bath
  44. Throw Eddy's Slow Churn Summer Block Party for the fire hall & Rescue
  45. TBD
  46. TBD
  47. TBD
  48. TBD
  49. TBD
  50. Go to Hot Springs, NC
  51. Go to Canada
  52. Go to D.C.
  53. Drive on the Parkway
  54. Go on a mini-vacation with just my mom
  55. Go camping at a campground- with a restroom
  56. Go on a short trip with Rachel
  57. Go Spend a weekend with Katherine
  58. Go on a Cruise (or at least get one booked)
  59. Take/Start taking Wilton classes
  60. Get one of those indoor Herb gardens and use it
  61. Complete one months’ menu plan in advance
  62. Make 3 frozen dinners to give to someone who could really use the break (3/3)
  63. Make homemade bread twice (0/2)
  64. Go a week without eating meat
  65. Get the huge cooking pots that I have wanted forever (2/2)
  66. Get the Ice Cream attachment for my K.A. Mixer and make homemade ice cream
  67. Try to blog about cooking/baking no less than 2 times a month (I am bad at this one apparently)
  68. Make a lot of goodies and bring to work unexpectedly
  69. Attempt to make Crème Brule
  70. Sit down with Aunt Rose & Aunt Susan one day and make a cookbook of Nanny Trotters recipes
  71. Borrow my grandma Naillon’s written cookbook and type it all up for her
  72. Make pizza dough from scratch
  73. Take cooking lessons/classes (0/6)
  74. Paint my living room/Hall way
  75. Paint my dining room/Kitchen
  76. Paint the laundry room
  77. Paint my Bathroom
  78. Paint my bedroom
  79. Paint the office
  80. Paint the guestroom
  81. Plant flowers in the yard
  82. Do a painting of something-anything
  83. Frame and hang my 3-D art project- The Wire Shoe
  84. Frame weaving pieces and hang them
  85. Get another shelf for the office
  86. Get curtains for living room & Dining room
  87. Get curtains for our Bedroom
  88. Get curtains for our bathroom
  89. Get curtains for the office
  90. Get curtains for Kitchen Window
  91. Buy a safe
  92. Install under-cabinet lighting in Kitchen
  93. Tile the basement
  94. Finish dry wall in basement
  95. Paint the basement
  96. Get laundry room cabinets
  97. Finish ½ bath in basement
  98. Finish fire pit
  99. Create last Name Art
  100. Hang Last name letter from Ballard Designs
  101. Build fenced in area for Spooky that is larger than what she has currently

1 comment:

PEFF said...

so I was glad to see that you will read the book Rachel and I got you!!! :-) Anyways its sad being away from Rachel! oh and you guys too :-) see you Thursday night i will check this everyday!!!!!!! see ya