It was so fun to just go sit and relax at the bookstore. John worked on some Gun magazines. Don't laugh, I'm serious. While I worked on a cookbook, 'How to Cook Everything'.

I also looked at a photography book. Not really the sit in the bookstore and read kind of book. I will have to find a good read for my visits with John. I can't wait to go again. We both had lots of fun.
Me and the hubs do this often too... its so relaxing to peruse cookbooks and make a list of things I would like to get in the future!
That sounds so nice! I think we may have actually met at a local gtg not too long ago? I may be thinking about a different person, but either way I'm still in the area and enjoy following your blog =) oops somehow deleted this post the first time
Yay, I got the book for Christmas!
Renee- were you one of the girls that met at the little place on the corner near the market? Like the week after our get together, they deleted the Virginia board. I keep looking to see if they will bring it back. We need to get together again. I love your wedding video in your blog by the way! Very good editing with the music. So fun! I hope you are doing well.
Yeah! We met at Cornerstone I think =)Thanks for the comment on the blog.
I look forward to reading yours in the future!
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