I hope everyone had a great and safe weekend. John and I had a busy and fun weekend celebrating Independence Day. Before we even got out of the driveway on Friday we were celebrating with authentic Mexican food... I know, not traditional burgers and stuff, we had that plenty over the weekend too but, while we were waiting to leave our house we raided Jesus and Rocio's food stash. They had fresh made tortillas that were still warm. They also had amazing cheese so we made little cheese tortillas. It was amazing. Over the course of the weekend we also had cheese stuffed peppers, cheesy gorditata's, and grilled cheese quesadilla's with home made guacamole. It was all delicious.

We then headed to the lake and played on the water and had fun with all our friends.
Kim & John playing on the water...

Kim realizing she could have used the rescue whistle when her and John broke down on the water.... Luckily someone towed them back...
Eventually we made our way to the grill for some more food. The guys were busy repairing the jet ski from an incident with a plastic bag and stick, I went ahead and started the grill. So I was the grill master. It got dark so Jesus let me borrow his snazzy headlamp. I look like a goofball.
from right: me, John, Rocio, & Crystal...
The next day we found our way to the water fast. Jesus joined us...
here is Kim, me, and Kim's friend Jamie...
Jeff was fishing with Jessie, Crystal and Mike's little girl...
Then Jeff had to show her how to undo your line if it is stuck in the water... (insert laughter)
back to fishing, Jesus, Rob (Rachel's dad), Jeff and Jessie hanging out in the boat...
then the guys settled in for a game of horseshoes...
Jeff has a serious face...
John has a solid throw with a follow through... (Rob, John, and Jeff)
Rachel and Jeff took a little ride on the paddle boat...
Rachel's parents took a little tour of the lake. (Rob & Ruth)
we decided to go ahead and start dinner at a decent hour so we could get to the fireworks... Here I am again helping out with the grill....
Then a bunch of us took off on a boat ride to the fireworks...
Kim snapped this shot of us at the fireworks show...

some of the ladies enjoying the fireworks show... Sarah, Alana, Kim, Jamie....
Me and John...
This was Jesus and Rocio's first Independence Day celebration... They LOVED the fireworks display...
We were on two boats and waited for the boat traffic to clear before heading back to Andy's house....
We had a great weekend and got to rest up on a rainy day on Sunday... it was great to have friends and family come visit and spend such a fun time together....
We then headed to the lake and played on the water and had fun with all our friends.
Kim & John playing on the water...
Kim realizing she could have used the rescue whistle when her and John broke down on the water.... Luckily someone towed them back...
from right: me, John, Rocio, & Crystal...
Check back soon for a glimpse at our current house guests....
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