I really need to get on it with the postings. I have so much to blog about. It's kind of piling up. First, in case I forgot (and I'm sure I did), Happy Birthday Jeff! It was his birthday last Friday, the 2nd. John of course picked out the little gun that goes with the Wii as his gift. I chose the money saving gift, the rechargeable battery pack. Jeff agreed that it was something he wouldn't have forked out the money buy himself. I love saving money! This is Jeff on his Birthday!
This is Jeff playing the Wii. A tennis game.
John and Jeff got in a fight!!! Just kidding. They were posing. I though it was hilarious.

John torturing Wumples. This is what we call it when we make her let us love her. See her paw. She always pushes it on your face.

This is one of many of John's goofy faces. I have to say that this is one of my favorite faces. I just love that cheeeessssyyy grin. He's adorable. Okay, that's enough mushyness.

This is Pebbles sitting in the Kitchen.
This is Wumples hiding on our new bookcase in the office.
Saturday Rachel and I went shopping. We found some awesome deals at Bath & Body works. I have officially helped Rachel get addicted to the scented oils. Rachel's fav: brown sugar and fig. My fav is still the apple. (which I of course put away in the house and can't find it) John and Jeff went to the gun show on Saturday. John got a new carry pistol. (don't worry, I won't bore you with the stats-plus I don't remember them, lol!)
Sunday was John's birthday! It was pretty uneventful, which is the way John liked it. I made him breakfast-french toast. Then we watched cartoons together. He had to tell me which one was Tom and which was Jerry. (sad, I know) Then him and Jeff went fishing and hunting. I cleaned the entire kitchen as a gift to him. It was driving us both nuts. Then I made him homemade potato soup. After dinner John wanted to watch,- Rambo! ...... I know. It was good though. And that was my weekend.
This is John on the morning of his birthday. He helped me get the Christmas decoration up in the attic. Gotta love the faux-hawk!

I thought I would add a few additional pictures that I took over the weekend.
This is the blue-jay that kept flying over. (I was taking the pictures through the screen, and my camera kept trying to focus on it. That is why they are blurry. )
This is the cardinal (I think) that kept flying in. It was fun watching them.
This is the back of Chelsea's head. She is watching the feeding frenzy of birds on the porch.
Jeff took this picture. It is a wood pecker in the tree next to our house. It was so cute.
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