This one has been very fun and time consuming. I would have never thought that starting a garden would be this involved. Ginette, John's mom, gave me her rose bushes from her yard, since she will not be home this summer to take care of them and will be moving in the fall. I was VERY excited, she is amazing with them. I was also very nervous because transplanting plants isn't always successful. I am still not out of the woods yet but they are looking better everyday! I plated some in the front and in the back. I also got some other plants to go with them. Here are some pictures of the new-to-me flowers!!!
this is the front area. The random circle was already there from the previous owner. That is where our flag pole will go one day.

A close up of one of the rose plants, with a marigold on the right and a purple-something-er-other on the left!

The back garden. Don't mind the flags, the guys are installing an underground fence and those are the markers.

this is a good example of how some are doing great and some are looking so good. The one at the top left is having to recover and the other two are much better, especially the one in the top right. I don't remember what the other little plants are called, I will come back and let you know. Since this picture I have put out more dirt and mulched the front. I will take more pictures once they start to bloom.